Junction Village Physiotherapy


Fabiola has been providing high levels of Physiotherapy Services for the last 10 years. During this time, she has completed multiple courses to advance her services and levels of care. Fabiola has Special Interests in; Cervical Pain/Headaches, Shoulder Pathology, Hip & Knee Conditions.

Some Facts about Fabiolas Experience:

  • Completed Levels 1, 2, and 3 of Dry Needling
  • Highly skilled in Pre & Post Op Rehab for Total Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement, Shoulder Replacement and RC Injuries
  • Skilled with Paediatric Sporting Injuries and Pain
  • POP Bandaging & Fibreglass Cast Application
  • Over 5 years’ experience in Aged Care & Community Health
  • Clinical Pilates APPI trained
  • Highly Skilled in Diagnosis and Treatment of Sporting Injuries


Please contact Fabiola and her Team on (02) 4926 2662 for all enquiries about their Consultation Fees

Book your appointment

For all Bookings & Enquiries Please contact Fabiola and her Team on (02) 4926 2662

All Referrals & other Correspondence can be emailed to reception@junctionvillagephysio.com.au or faxed to (02) 4006 3086

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